What’s Causing Your Heat Pump in Wesley Chapel, FL to Smell?

Your heat pump could be the culprit producing the annoying smells lingering in your Wesley Chapel, FL house. These smells often indicate malfunctioning heat pump components. In this blog, we’ll cover some common heat pump smells and what they mean.

A Burning Odor

Poorly lubricated components may grind against each other to produce this smell. Also, components made of rubber, such as wire coatings and belts, may become loose and come in contact with other hot parts, causing a burning rubber smell.

Schedule maintenance services to tighten loose belts and wires to prevent them from getting entangled with other components. Regular maintenance also helps to keep the moving parts well-lubricated.

A Musty Odor

A musty odor occurs when biological growth is occurring somewhere in your house. One of the places the contaminants can grow is your heat pump.

After your heat pump draws moisture from your indoor air, it directs this moisture to the environment through drain lines. If these lines are too dirty, they fail to drain the moisture efficiently.

Water that stagnates in the drain pan creates an environment for biological contaminants to grow. Ask a technician to clean the drain pan and unclog the drain lines to allow the moisture absorbed from your indoor air to flow out.

A Chemical-Like Smell

Refrigerant helps th heat pump to move heat into your house from the surrounding area in winter and move heat from your house outside in summer. The fluid can leak if there are holes in the refrigerant lines.

When it leaks, you may detect a chemical-like smell lingering in your house. More signs that point to refrigerant leaks include bubbling or whistling noises.

Don’t ignore any strange odors that your heat pump emits. Call the air conditioning professionals at Tampa Bay Air Conditioning, Inc. to have your system checked. We’ll find the causes of the smells and eliminate them.

Image provided by iStock

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